Bringing Mindfulness to Life®


5 Unconventional Ways to Use Zenimal for Enhancing Daily Mindfulness

5 Unconventional Ways to Use Zenimal for Enhancing Daily Mindfulness

Zenimal is more than just a meditation device; it’s a versatile tool that can enhance mindfulness throughout your day in unexpected ways. From mindful eating to creative inspiration and family bonding, the possibilities are as limitless as your imagination. By integrating Zenimal into these aspects of your life, you can cultivate a more mindful, peaceful, and connected existence.
How Everyone Can Win From A Little Loving-Kindness

How Everyone Can Win From A Little Loving-Kindness

We can only control the present moment.  If we set our worries and regrets aside to grant ourselves and others peace through love, it’s hard to find a downside.  The more positivity and compassion we can send out, the less suffocating negative experiences will feel.  Here's a way to start that practice!