Institutions - Schools – Zenimal®

Classroom Wellness
with Zenimal

School stress, dismissed. Relaxation, in session!

Zenimal can help students reduce stress, improve concentration, promote creativity, manage anxiety related to school work, and cultivate empathy towards their peers. Zenimal can also be used to help students relax, improve sleep quality, and reset their minds, ensuring they are in top form for their academic and personal pursuits.

  • Improved focus and concentration among employees
  • Increased empathy and understanding for colleagues
  • Lower levels of stress and anxiety
  • Improved sleep quality, higher energy and mental clarity
  • Increased satisfaction and improved morale
  • Improved cell-mediated immunity
  • Increased motivation and productivity

Budget concerns? Consider DonorsChoose, a non-profit that helps teachers request donations for classroom items. Learn more at

Book a demo

Get started today by scheduling a demo with our contact form or emailing us directly at

Trusted by Education Professionals


“I ordered Zenimals for our school, so that each classroom would have their own. Each class named their special turtle and they are using Zenimals everyday in the classroom. They are a wonderful addition!”

— Anonymous

“As a guidance counselor I use it with my students. It immediately relaxes them & puts them in a better frame of mind for our sessions.”

— Guidance Counselor

“I work in a school. It is a great behavior intervention tool.”

— Principal

Better than an app.

Zenimal surpasses meditation apps in schools due to its ability to empower children with autonomy to self-regulate throughout the day without any distractions from a screen. Moreover, it promotes the cultivation of empathy and peace, which can prove advantageous within a school setting.

Why is screen-free mindfulness so important?

As a screen-free alternative, Zenimal can help create a more tranquil atmosphere in schools by teaching new coping strategies that can lead to reduced stress and improved focus for both students and faculty.

Does Zenimal require any special setup?

No, Zenimal does not require any special setup. It is ready to use right out of the box. The rechargeable battery allows for up to 7 hours of continuous use.

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