The 9 Meditation Categories
A closer look at the 9 categories
In the same way that your mood, thought patterns, and emotions change from day to day, your daily meditation needs will also change. That’s why every Zenimal offers nine different types of meditations. Think of the nine categories as tools in your toolbox, each with a specific purpose to help bring you to a calmer, more peaceful place.

Mindful breathing tells our nervous system that we are safe. These meditations give us a moment to unwind and help train the brain to better cope with the challenges of everyday life.
When I get upset, I notice it helps to take some deep breaths. Let’s use our Zenimal to help our bodies learn how to get through these tough moments more easily.

Feeling more grounded and secure can give us strength to be present in each moment. These meditations grant us emotional regulation and focus.
At the beginning of the day
There are times when I don’t feel as strong as I would like to feel. Let’s see if our Zenimal can help us find some strength.

Sometimes creativity has to come to us. These meditations let our imaginations run wild so that afterward we can focus our creative thinking in the right direction.
Before a challenging task or when experiencing frustration
Sometimes when we struggle to create or communicate things, it makes us feel stuck. Let’s try using our Zenimal to exercise our imagination. It might help us get unstuck.”

Relaxing can be easier said than done. These meditations are designed to relax our bodies by guiding us through progressive muscle relaxation exercises - tensing a muscle then relaxing it.
Sometimes when I feel worried or angry or sad, that feeling goes into my body and makes it feel uncomfortable. Let’s try using our Zenimal to release that uncomfortable feeling.

An overactive mind can interfere with sleep. These meditations help promote relaxation, a feeling of safety, and a sense of peace before bedtime.
Right before bed
It can be difficult to calm down and fall asleep because we do so much during the day. Let’s see if our Zenimal can help us wind down for bed.

Empathy starts with mindfulness. These meditations help us learn how to understand and share the feelings of another so that we can be more compassionate and kind.
During times of frustration or anger, especially when it involves another person
When we feel big emotions toward someone, it’s good to stop and think about what they are feeling too. Let’s pause with our Zenimal and try it out.

Practicing gratitude has been shown to improve self-esteem, life satisfaction, and connection with others. These meditations help us find reasons to be thankful.
First thing in the morning, or before meals
It’s important to be grateful for what we have. But it can be tough to feel that way when we don’t get something we want. Let’s see if our Zenimal can help us through this.

Emotions can be physically felt in the body. These meditations bring awareness to our feelings and can help regulate their impact and duration.
During times of emotional distress
When we feel sad, it’s important to remember that this feeling won’t last forever. There is a special button on your Zenimal that helps us with our feelings. Want to check it out with me?”

When we experience discomfort or pain, it is an opportunity to restore ourselves. These meditations allow us to find healing and peace.
When physical or emotional discomfort is experienced
“Being sick is no fun. Sometimes it feels like that feeling will never go away. Taking some special breaths and sending good thoughts to our pains can make us feel better. Let’s see if our Zenimal can help.